Just Al
5 years ago
So, I am adopted, and in the span of a week, I have found what seems to be my biodad, and 2 sisters (there are more I am told), and a niece that I have been in contact with.
latest #10
Just Al
5 years ago
it seems my biodad was quite the ladies man.
Just Al
5 years ago
5 years ago
Wow, how do you feel?
Just Al
5 years ago
Well, I did it for mostly health related info, but it has been interesting connecting with people. They have been very nice and forthcoming with info
Oh wow. I'm adopted also so I'm guessing this is both gratifying and overwhelming. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
5 years ago
I’m glad for you that people have been forthcoming and nice though and you are finding out information you need
Very interesting. Hope it goes well for you.
♫ birdy
5 years ago
I'm glad you've been able to get in touch with them! And that they've been willing to share info. That's awesome!
Just Al
5 years ago
Evidently, I have 7 siblings. so far I have been in contact with 3 of them. Biodad had 2 marriages, and from what I have been told, one of the wives will not acknowledge a few of the others. I am good with whatever, it is just kinda interesting
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