生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
脫歐效應加劇 倫敦房價在一年之內直落15% - 衛報財經版頭條
London property prices fall as much as 15% as Brexit...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuT/ivD/AYH39KNN0stUjt4kdSPCA3DJ8jA_mt.jpeg
#Brexit英國脫歐 #房地產
latest #27
universenut: 只能給讚了wwww
6 years ago
6 years ago
【調查顯示】倫敦房價成長呈9年來新低 愛丁堡與曼徹斯特則狂飆 - 衛報財經版頭條
London house price growth at nine-year low amid Edin...亞伯丁與劍橋是20個城市中唯二房價比去年跌的。
One-in-three chance of London house price crash, say...International buyers put off by Brexit uncertainty could drive prices down 1.6% next year.
Supporters of a London house price crash are missing...英國經濟的未來需要不只一個城市來增加全境的工作機會。這是需要好好規劃的。
【房價持續跌、缺乏買家】脫歐不確定性造成房地產市場大損失 - 衛報商業版頭條
Brexit uncertainty taking toll on property market, e...
UK house prices fall by £5,000 on average, with sout...Biggest November drop since 2012, with former hotspots hit hardest, says Rightmove.
英國房市從2012年以來已達最弱的時候了 - 衛報商業版頭條
UK property market at weakest since 2012 as Brexit t...Surveyors say indicators for demand, supply and prices fell to multiyear lows in November.
因為脫歐 英國房地產跌價速度達六年來最快 - 衛報頭版頭條
UK house prices fall at fastest rate in six years on...這是20年來最弱的銷售前景。
【脫歐效應衝擊】部分英國最富有地區 被抹掉的房價最多可達25% - 衛報財金版頭條(2019-1-21)
Up to 25% wiped off house prices in some of UK's wea...Your Move says Brexit impact has led to falls in some cases of almost £500,000 in 12 months
Brexit fears dampen spring property revival as askin...UK’s average asking price 0.8% lower than a year ago, says Rightmove.
UK property market ‘in line for summer Brexit relief...Signs of bounceback in prices over past month, says property website Rightmove.
#價格回彈 #夏季
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