生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
女人必須有權裸露他們雙臂而不被人說三道四 - 衛報評論
Women must have the right to bare their arms without...筆者認為加拿大第一位女首相金坎貝的推文更加重了現在社會的怪象。
Shock! Jennifer Lawrence's dress is not a symbol of ... Jennifer Lawrence responds to 'sexist' dress critici...「女人穿著性感就一定是為了取悅男性嗎?」 禮服太性感迎來負評,Jennifer Lawrence 的回應讓女生都有共鳴 ‧ A Day Magaz...https://bit.ly/2Ji0Tnt
#性別歧視 #性別平權 #女性衣裝與展露身體 #身體自主權 #女性主義 #女性權益 #保守假道學衛道人士 #無袖 #珍妮芙勞倫斯
latest #30
[轉推] 【Kim Campbell‏Verified account】 I am struck by how many women on television news wear sleeveless dresses- often when sitting with suited men. I have always felt it was demeaning to the women and this suggests that I am right. Bare arms undermine credibility and gravitas!
Informed Opinions on Twitter

呃... 如果今天是公司強迫要求女性就該穿少少男人就要穿多多,這我一定罵,可是如果今天(排除掉"因為大家都這樣穿"或"要這樣穿才有收視或人氣"之類的)這些衣裝都是出於個人選擇,那又怎樣?穿衣服都不能穿自己喜歡的嗎?
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
珍妮芙勞倫斯的"失言"與輿論無常的本質 - 衛報評論(當日點閱率第一名)
Jennifer Lawrence’s ‘gaffe’ and the fickle nature of...Time was when the Hollywood star could do no wrong. But, oh dear, now...
Jennifer Lawrence: the fascinating subversion of Hol...Lawrence tests her star quality again with Red Sparrow – the latest unconventional move for an actor toying with public perception
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