生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
【居住環境惡劣】英格蘭有數十萬民眾居住在骯髒危險的租屋中 - 衛報社會版頭條
Hundreds of thousands living in squalid rented homes...35歲以下民眾所租的房子,估計有338,000間屋子會造成房客去就醫。這些狀況包括:老鼠多、發霉的牆壁、電線外露、屋等漏水、門窗鎖壞掉。
https://imgur.com/hrHwuMx.jpg https://imgur.com/urVKdqK.jpg https://imgur.com/awdJskM.jpg https://imgur.com/qnHHFeP.jpg https://imgur.com/q8ODWBP.jpg https://imgur.com/BjhY0xD.jpg
買房之路的底部:住在家,卻覺得像是佔房一樣 - 衛報社會版
Bottom of the housing ladder: 'I feel like a sq...英國有兩百萬以上的人們住在會傷害自己健康的租屋中。
#英國社會民生議題 #年輕人 #買房 #擁房 #惡性循環 #住屋品質
latest #26
荔枝元首 says
6 years ago
Squalid homes: Corbyn says government ‘in pockets of...Labour leader says Tories can’t fix housing crisis after revelations that thousands live in hazardous conditions
Low-income tenants face 'heat, eat or pay rent' choi...Housing benefit freeze leaving poorest private renters with shortfall of up to £140 a week.
The private renters trapped in Britain’s new slumsYears of austerity have driven the poorest into squalid, crumbling homes. Can this cycle be broken?

#樽節 #貧窮 #打破循環
Owen REGISTER TO VOTE Jones🌹 on TwitterIf you need any more reasons to end Tory rule, just watch this

via [轉推]【Gerry Adams】Well said Ken.

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