生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
英國會議員發動調查並考慮對性騷擾做出更嚴峻的立法 - 衛報國際版頭條
MPs launch inquiry to consider tougher laws on sexua...委員會主席表示很明顯目前的法律系統已經損毀了,而TUC工會大會大老表示"這種侵犯以達到全產業的等級了"

"讓我作噁" 四位女性談職場性騷擾經驗 - 衛報國際版
'It was making me ill': experiences of sexual harass...電工(27)、服務生(24)、裝潢師(43)、前櫃員(24)

三名曾遭政治人物性騷擾的女性指出被各黨所忽視數十年的問題 - 衛報國際版
Women aren't confident abuse in Westminster has been...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuR/2Ax/80YWIBEzqq1QL0blsMIEj6gO7Wf_mt.jpeg?https://imgs.plurk.com/QuR/a5v/0I9vm8Z2xzgNQv3gCNU9AlRbDQp_mt.jpeg+https://imgs.plurk.com/QuR/crv/wlhA7QJOrvmareRuNtq2Hg14WxU_mt.jpeg
#MeToo #性侵害 #女性權益 #女權議題 #性別歧視 #不就是不 #理工女性 #只雇用年輕女性 #挾職務之便 #對婦女犯罪
latest #24
女性在只有男人的慈善活動會場遭到鹹豬手 國會議員呼籲要有更嚴峻的立法來對付性騷擾 - 衛報國內版(當日點閱率第四名)
MP calls for tougher laws after women 'groped&#...
Equalities chair says act needs ‘real teeth’ after allegations about men-only event

Men Only: Inside the charity fundraiser where hostesses are put o...
This men-only charity gala is a stain on the sector ...+
The charities rejecting Presidents Club donations ov...
Sex and the City: life as a hostess in London’s gild...
In the wake of the Presidents Club scandal, a 19-year-old relives an evening she would rather forget serving guests at a City banquet
工黨黨魁柯賓收到了43件黨內的性騷擾/不檢點行為申訴 - 衛報政治版頭條
Dossier on sexual misconduct in Labour party sent to...
Labourtoo gathered 43 accounts by women who suffered harassment and violence
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
報告指出:總統俱樂部對女性員工的保護措施 - 衛報頭版頭條
Women were failed by Presidents Club trustees, says ...
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