生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
【性別收入鴻溝】 BBC遭抨擊:女性的收入少於男性 - 衛報媒體版頭條
BBC facing backlash from female stars after gender p...BBC公布之薪資表顯示96名最高收入戶只有1/3是女性,而且前7名收入戶都是男人。現在播報員放話要發起法律行動了。
即時更新串:BBC accused of discrimination as salaries reveal gen...#性別歧視 #同工不同酬 #英國職場女性權益 #兩性平等
latest #24
BBC pay list to shrink next year as earnings from BBC Studios is ...

Decision to move programmes such as Strictly Come Dancing and EastEnders to new commercial entity will make it difficult to monitor gender pay gap
然後可能以後監控性別收入鴻溝也難了... = =
龐大的薪資鴻溝:公司寫給工會的信 揭露了400人領的薪水不到2萬英鎊 (就連最高收入主持人的1%都不到) - 觀察家週日報
Revealed: how hundreds of BBC employees earn 1% of Chris Evans’s ...
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
BBC的女星們發公開連署信呼籲公司"現在就動作" 解決薪資與性別歧視的問題 - 衛報媒體版
Female BBC stars urge corporation to 'act now' on pay a...

Sue Barker, Clare Balding and Fiona Bruce among those demanding response from BBC director general
BBC must 'look very hard at itself' over pay gap, says ...

Labour leader describes ‘appalling’ gender pay gap as 40 female presenters demand immediate action at BBC
John Humphrys jokes about BBC gender pay gap in leak...Radio 4 host claims off-air conversation with colleague Jon Sopel about Carrie Gracie was ‘silly banter between old mates’
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Just joking: John Humphrys defends remarks on BBC ge...
Today broadcaster had come under fire for leaked comments to colleague Jon Sopel sparked by Carrie Gracie’s BBC campaign

#只是玩笑話 #開玩笑而已
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
BBC's China editor resigns in protest over gend...
Carrie Gracie accuses her employer of a ‘secretive and illegal pay culture’ and steps down to TV newsroom role

#秘密又違法的薪水文化 #辭職
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