生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
「我很生氣!」 砍殘疾補助 梅伊首相遭到身障選民嗆聲 - 衛報政治版 'I’m angry': voter confronts Theresa May over disabi... 但是首相只回以模板微笑與空話
Angry voter confronts Theresa May on Disability Allo...「每月不到一百英鎊是要怎麼活?!」

與梅伊對峙 凱西為全國身障人士發了聲 - 衛報評論
In confronting Theresa May, Kathy has spoken up for ...
【複習五天前】梅伊首相拒絕排除日後砍更多殘障補助之可能性 Theresa May refuses to rule out more disability bene...https://bit.ly/2WbXLLA
#英國大選2017 #英國社會民生福利 #牛津
latest #22
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
「我正在受苦受折磨!」 與梅伊首相對峙的身障女士談政府砍殘疾人士補助 - 大選專刊 - 衛報社會版
'I’m suffering': woman who confronted May tells of disa...
Kathy Mohan, who became an overnight champion of disabled people, says Tories’ PIP scheme has left her unable to cope
Dr Paul Monaghan on TwitterSadly this is all too typical now...
Government to review 1.6m disability benefit claims ...Estimated 220,000 claimants will get backdated higher personal independence payments
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