生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
慈善團體Age UK研究報告:英格蘭的老人照護社福機制正面臨「完全崩潰」危機 - 衛報
English social care system for elderly facing 'compl...英國最大銀髮服務組織Age UK呼籲政府應該要立刻動作,包括注入現金到春季預算,並發展長期計畫。我論政府根本想繼續裝死的可能性。

Half a million older people spend every day alone, p...
Shock figures show Tory plans are ‘making social car...應讓老人保持健康、遠離入院的旗艦方案偏離目標,而議會稅收"額度太小不足以緩和預算刪減的影響"
#養老照護安養 #英國社會民生福利 #孤單老人獨居老人
latest #19
Safety alert as watchdog warns that one in three nursing homes is...

CQC finds 32% of facilities in England inadequate or in need of improvement and says social care in ‘precarious’ state
Age UK:英國有五萬名老人等不到社會照護套包就過世了 - 衛報社會版頭條
Age UK: 50,000 elderly have died waiting for social ...Ministers accused of being ‘in denial’ about perilous state of local authority finances.
工黨國會議員發現自己爸爸在照護機構中又是瘀青又是流血 - 衛報社會版頭條
MP tells of how she found father 'bruised and bleedi...
智庫:65歲以上的個人照護應該要免費 - 衛報社會版頭條(2019-5-23)
Personal care should be free for over-65s, says thin...公共政策研究機構認為此舉需要靠增稅2p。

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