生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
柯賓:工黨政見宣言將會改變民眾的生活 - 衛報頭版 Jeremy Corbyn says Labour manifesto will transform people's ...
The Guardian view on Labour’s manifesto: a bold step | EditorialJeremy Corbyn briefs journalists about Labour’s mani...不過有些地方是象徵性大於實用性

Labour's fate is not sealed. Here's why – George Mon...
#英國大選2017 #國家介入
latest #30
發表工黨國安政策 柯賓接受軍事行動為「最後手段」,同時亦提到近來的"反恐戰爭:先炸後談"是失敗的。
Jeremy Corbyn accepts military action as 'last resor...
Emily Thornberry hardens Labour party line on Falkland Islands

Shadow foreign secretary rejects accusations by Michael Fallon that she would hold negotiations with Argentina
#福克蘭群島 #阿根廷 #談判
The Pie Manifesto#回到七十年代 #回到封建 #搞爛英國 #提升基本工資,包括公家單位 #廢除零時契約 #吸引勞工階層,不是菁英層級 #左翼 #瘋狂左派


[生活中找樂趣] 【保守黨政見】 有老梗、有新梗、還有盜梗,但還是藍的 - 衛報評論 - Somet...
影子財政大臣麥當尼爾 誓言降消費稅以幫助低收入家庭 - 觀察家週日報
Labour pledges VAT cut to help families on low incomes

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell says strong growth will pay for plan and reiterated that 95% of people would face no income tax rises after a Labour victory

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