生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
「飛翔,從週六開始」 工黨計畫攻佔街道與社群網站 藉以爭取選民 - 衛報政治版
Labour takes to the streets and social media to reach voters


Andrew Gwynne campaigning in his Denton and Reddish ...+

Steve Bell on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour's electi...大力水手卜派wwww

梅伊真的能夠在這次政變選舉中將工黨給"一刀斃命"嗎? - 衛報評論
Will Theresa May really kill Labour off in this election? | Alan ... 歷史性的敗北?多歷史性??總之又是太陽報

#英國大選2017 #威爾斯卡爾迪夫 #廣告戰略 #選舉戰術
latest #24
梅伊真的能夠在這次政變選舉中將工黨給"一刀斃命"嗎? - 衛報評論
Will Theresa May really kill Labour off in this election? | Alan ...
Wales: Labour triumphant after shaky start to campaign
Party wins three seats from Tories as praise is heaped on energetic grassroots campaign and Corbyn effect

#草根 #柯賓現象
via [生活中找樂趣] 【歐文瓊斯】 梅伊現在很虛弱,咱別停止反擊 - Theresa May is we...
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