Chainlong噗樂客 分享
7 years ago Over my dead body. To give me free or give me death. 浪漫的法國人在大革命時期仍歌頌 : 生命誠可貴 愛情價更高 若為自由故 兩者皆可無!中國式在建制派居多的選舉委員會廣納提名票,更與民意產生巨大落差!違反由下而上真普選之世界潮流,和平理性民主自由公平公正公開選舉,香港加油;民主自由 萬歲! 台灣必善用此良機,結合英美日等關心香港未來;今日香港,明 日台灣。
掰噗~ 覺得
7 years ago
太慘了吧 (p-tears)
7 years ago
baipu: I, Adam Shih,.. and you were born into this world .... Embrace kindness and love for others and yourself. Be a servant to the Earth and all forms of life. Let you and me try from now on , baipu: just do our best.