生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
《海洋奇緣》 是對玻里尼西亞的讚歌、革新象徵 ── 抑或是迪斯奈犯下的另一個文化蠢事 - 衛報影記
Moana: progressive paean to Polynesia – or another o...+
上百萬的觀眾好評 顯示了大選後的美國並不像預期的會抗拒多元社會-衛報評論
Disney’s Moana strikes at the heart of proto-Trump A...https://imgur.com/HKmLySN.jpg
#刻板印象 #PC政治正確 #Bechdel測試測驗 #女性議題 #女性電影 #美國總統大選2016周邊 #種族歧視
latest #36
Moana: progressive paean to Polynesia – or another o...預告將英雄矛威畫成胖胖的造型已經引起了民怨,不過從內容來看似乎沒有重蹈覆轍。
Millions of Americans are falling in love with a brown-skinned, undeniably feminist heroine, destroying the premise that they rejected diversity in this election.
Diverse personal narrative has never been more important than it is in proto-Trump America –
in a country where so many are willing to throw away the rights of the “other” for the illusion of safety, storytelling is our most straightforward empathy generator, a humanisation machine.
While pundits are mired in recriminations about “bubbles” – who is out of touch with whom? –
millions of Americans are casually falling in love with a brown-skinned, athletic, undeniably feminist heroine offering an object lesson about striding out of your bubble and setting right your mistakes.
Bad ideas about representation and “political correctness” were central to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign: the inane lie that diversity is being foisted upon our art and media,
to its detriment, is simply an extension of the deadly lie that diversity is being foisted upon white people, white neighbourhoods and white towns, to their detriment.
But look at Moana:
it centres brown people in their own story, it passes the Bechdel test without breaking a sweat, it defends the sanctity of the biosphere, and the heroine isn’t gratuitously married off at the end.
Perhaps the most middle-American of all genres – the Disney princess movie – has managed to turn out a deeply progressive film without being explicitly progressive at all.
Is this what you were afraid of, anti-PC crusaders? This little girl?
話說台灣又跟以往一樣要放在春節。 =, =
swn002: 原來是因為這樣的歷史啊 @@
kagawarei: 確實。合理懷疑w
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