生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【衛報獨家】公投前與高盛談話秘密錄音曝光 梅伊其實擔心脫歐會造成產業出走
Exclusive: what Theresa May really thinks about Brex...她希望英國能夠當歐洲的領頭羊,所以不希望受到脫歐衝擊
這卷外洩錄音代表首相不是帶領脫歐 而是跟著脫歐 - 衛報評論
The Goldman Sachs tape shows May is not leading on B...呵呵,就說是投機政客!
#Brexit #洩密 #衝擊 #外移 #歐洲單一市場 #人權議題 #減少移民 #銀行
latest #57
梅伊首相根本招架不住www 不論神情或語氣都可以看得出來聽得出來,最後又來那招「都是工黨在阻擋(英國的進步)!」ㄏㄏ
Corbyn attacked May for failing to set out her plan for Brexit to the British people as clearly as she had once expressed her beliefs to her elite audience
“The prime minister has given her private views on Brexit to Goldman Sachs bankers, but refuses to give the British people a clear plan for negotiations,” the Labour leader said.
“It shouldn’t take a leaked tape for the public to find out what she really thinks.”
Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader and leading member of the Open Britain campaign group,
said the revelation “demonstrated that the prime minister was just as worried privately as the rest of us are publicly about the economic impact of the hard, destructive Brexit her government seems set on”.
He said it showed she clearly understood the economic risks of leaving the single market and urged her to share internal government analysis about the danger to the economy.
“If private warnings are to be matched by proper public debate, it is essential that the government is not allowed to hoard vital analysis of the impact on our economy of leaving the single market.
This work is being done in government and it must now be published,” he said.
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