1 months ago
Yunchan Lim - Chopin: 12 Études, Op. 25 - No. 1 in A...20yr-old can play like at this world-grade level by practicing 10hrs a day.
The bad side is that it is blatant that he probably will do better artistically by getting a girlfriend and have some bittersweet memories. My
latest #6
1 months ago
I had never intended to be a good kid anyway so I have decided that as layman wisdom says, the attractive guy is seen flirting while the unwelcomed one is accused of sexual assault by doing the same thing, it is most important that I know what is attractive to the audience.
1 months ago
teacher had advised me against ****ing someone else's piece by interpreting it in a way the composer has not meant to -- it is disrespectful.
1 months ago
Oops, replies in wrong order
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