1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
越來越多世人認清基督教係邪教 信教人數節節下降In the past, a religious leader's speech is often judged by a small group of local ppl, most of them do not have access to university education, with the majority forever stuck in their own country.
Nowadays, they're competing with KOLs who had fought and won an opinion battle online, survivng scrutiny from all over the world
latest #6
1 months ago
Totally a different league in the war of culture, if you ask.
1 months ago
世界最大邪教組織 已透過各項渠道侵入香港社會Basically you can formulate the same thing against any cultural brand.
But obviously it is ALWAYS religions that get such a review, because countries governments have armies and polices to silence people, companies have lawyers to sue people and organizations have rights to kick people out in addition to sueing etc.
1 months ago
Wherever there are people, wherever there are crimes and stupid things are done.
1 months ago
Compose a list of stupid and horrible things a particular group of people have done is always possible and will definitely generate a long list.
1 months ago
This is because people DO horrible things and stupid things all the time. Even good doctors out of good intentions had done stupid and horrible things in the past because they don't know the truth.
1 months ago
少量攝取同樣有害 英國研究:人工甜味劑「紐甜」恐損害腸壁 - 國際Sweeteners were invented to save people, but obviously people get quite sick because of it.
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