Free Star🌟💫🔥
1032Friends 152Fans
female BotBabes Headquarters-Taranatha, SecondLife, United States
I plurk therefore I am
I blog at Starfire’s Travels – Follow along as I explore a str...
and I Flickr here Starfire Silverstar
I live in SL with my husband Yak Wise. Both our puppeteers are in the Netherlands although Yak has left this earth.
Ok here’s the promised photo spam of my museum pictures while justanothermonica was here visiting.
We went to Escher at The Palace (former palace of Queen Emma), Mauritshuis, Rembrandthuis, and Rijksmuseum. It was all fabulous but needless to say I’m a bit museumed out. LOL
(Hope plurk cooperates and lets me load them.) Enjoy!
I’ve been trying to get a hold of my bestie in Phoenix for several days now and there’s no response. I’m really getting worried now and I’m hoping that she’s ok. This isn’t like her at all. We’ve been besties since we’re seven years old so over 50 years or something. Sometimes it takes us a few days to connect but there’s always some brief reply.
At radiology waiting for my pictures to get taken. Just had my vein tapped for some blood too. After this off to my doctor’s appointment. Busy day!
Free Star🌟💫🔥
3 months ago 11 @Edit 3 months ago
Jim is cooking pasta carbonara and I’m doing my very very best not to hover in the kitchen. Inside I’m panicking over what I’ll find when he’s done.
I’m sure it’ll be delicious though. His bolognese was super yummy. I’m really hungry too! I hope my lip wakes up before he’s done. LOL
Just finished at the dentist. She did a lot of work on me plus fitted me for a sleeping mouthguard. Had a filling replaced, a front tooth bleached, and some chips filed down too. I go back in two weeks.
My upper lip is still numb.
Free Star🌟💫🔥 wonders
3 months ago 19
Putin did an interview in Russia saying he preferred that Joe win the US election. What game is he playing now? Let’s discuss. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Heading to bed....finally! LOL Hoping all of you had (or are still having) an excellent Valentine’s Day. I loved hearing your stories and seeing your photos. Spread the love!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to those that celebrate. I’m happy to be your valentine. Love you guys!!
It does make me miss Yak though.
My cleaning lady is here and I had my iPhone in my back pocket but the flashlight was on. She was confused at first but then she realized it and told me about it. I told her that I’ve got a sparkly butt! She bust out laughing. It was pretty funny.