12Friends 6Fans
female Modesto, CA, United States
I'm an avid knitter, full time college student. I work many man hours and I have just started a couple of new online etsy businesses around geeky crafting
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Today is a sad day for me. I lost my friend Millicent Ashby Gentry while I was working. She may have lost her battle, but she won so many hearts. (tears) (brokenheart)
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Finals in a week!!!!! Eek!!!
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Just used Genealogy, Family Trees & Family History Records at Ancestry.... to do some genealogy and discovered that I'm only 4th generation American on my mother's mother's side! Wow!~
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Fiance is having surgery on Monday. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Finals in three weeks! Ermegerd!!!!
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Fiance is having his bariatric surgery this Monday! So much to do!!!!!!
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Whew! What a day! Work in two different cities and then class! After class I need to study and then work on the pattern I've got in mind!
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Midterms are done and finals are in three weeks T_T Law School is out to kill me
serindelionc says
9 years ago
Paper is in and I am done!!!
serindelionc says
9 years ago 1
The end of the paper is near! Thank goodness!