7Friends 7Fans
male Denver, CO, United States
juntunen says
9 years ago
A friend of mine has put this together YetiBoxX / YetiCraft by Garth Johnson — Kickstarter
juntunen says
9 years ago
I think Blue Mars is active again. Look at their Facebook page and their website.
juntunen says
9 years ago
Wasn't someone here talking about Whisper? Revealed: how Whisper app tracks ‘anonymous’ users
juntunen shares
10 years ago
Since yesterday was May the fourth, today is revenge of the fifth.
juntunen shares
10 years ago
juntunen shares
10 years ago
juntunen shares
10 years ago
In Montana it’s illegal to have sheep in the cab of your truck unless there’s a chaperone—but luckily it’s legal to keep Dolly inside the passenger cabin without supervision.
juntunen shares
10 years ago
If you heard about the Oso mudslide, here is some multi-year camera footage from a nearby area: Geology Department - WWU Landscape Observatory