282Friends 77Fans
female Second life
Mostly dull and a bit down but prone to occasional bursts of wit and cheek of a blushing tirribly British sort, a good listener and an appreciator of fine musics, lovely piccies, spirited amigos and strange senses of humour
9 years ago 3
On a lighter note, I did spy a bloke with amazing beard of epic gingerness earlier and without any prompting, my lad piped up to comment
9 years ago 11
Sorry to be a bore but I am frazzled...a mum rolled up to school drunk, virtually pinned me up against the fence and said my son had threatened to punch her son (kids both 8, mine is very tall hers
9 years ago 3
At sports day they gave out stickers as they went along to kids showing good determination, team work, self-belief etc. My lad acquired 2 red ones then was dubbed "King of Passion" by his teammate...
Elfers shares
9 years ago
I'm pretty useless when it comes to foreign travel but I must at least thank the ex for having had the opportunity to visit South Africa and Swaziland...
9 years ago 3
Slow-roasting a big tray of Mediterranean veggies and my house smells wonderful... In other news, yesterday I forgot ALL THE THINGS (basic, obvious things, twas embarrassing),
9 years ago 7
Go on 'fess up...are you voting and if so, who for?
9 years ago 2
"Keep an eye on the sweet one in the glasses- even he looks surprised that voice is coming out of his head"...hehe nice one Graham...
9 years ago 4
I realise why I'd never really watched Eurovision before...I was just too darn sober...a little "oiled" it is somewhat more engaging somehow...
9 years ago 6
I don't normally watch Eurovision but am feeling super stressy and grumpy today and watching with you guys is definitely starting to lift my flagging spirits a bit- thank you Plurkles
9 years ago 3
Slightly bizarre job application of the day "Part-time Food Taster" ...sadly it appears to be getting people to try out microwave meals and collating data on their opinions...not GOT-esque sampling the