40Friends 30Fans
female FL, United States
JacklinCusato says
8 years ago 1
Legacy Nation exists to bring businesses, causes, celebrities and supporters together to harness the power of commerce, compassion, and connectivity
JacklinCusato is
8 years ago 2
Legacy Nation exists to bring businesses, causes, celebrities and supporters together to harness the power of commerce, compassion, and connectivity. Philanthropy Organization & Cause Marketing Company Las Vegas...
JacklinCusato is
8 years ago 2
Legacy Nation exists to bring businesses, causes, celebrities and supporters together to harness the power of commerce, compassion, and connectivity. Philanthropy Organization & Cause Marketing Company Las Vegas...
JacklinCusato is
8 years ago 1
THis is good Lomography
JacklinCusato is
8 years ago 2
Chk this video cause marketing
JacklinCusato is
8 years ago 1
Good Evening