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Cairo, Egypt
I love Ancient Egyptian civilization and the history of the Great Kings .Also travel and movement between its huge and amazing monuments . For this loved blogging about the Ancient Egyptians.

Egy king
1 years ago
The shabtis made their first appearance in the 11th dynasty (earliest known belonged to Mentuhotep II) and continued to exist throughout the Pharaonic history with the exception of the Hyksos Period.
The Ushabty Statuettes
1 years ago
Bastet meaning is a sacred cat of ancient Egypt. Bastet is first and foremost a protectress; specifically of the royal house and the Two Lands. Later she got the life-preserving goddess of joy and protector of women.

Bastet meaning
1 years ago
From early times until the Roman period, the broad collar, called usekh, "broad," continued to be a regular item in Egyptian funerary equipment, though sometimes only as a model. The extent to which importance was attached to it in the New Kingdom may be judged from the fact that no fewer

Falcon Collar of Tutankhamun
1 years ago
The shadoof or shaduf was an Ancient Egyptian tool used to draw water for irrigational purposes. It was the earliest form of water raising machine which drew water from a lower level to a higher level.

Shaduf Meaning
1 years ago
Mastaba in Ancient Egypt

The term mastaba comes from the Arabic word for "a bench of mud". When seen from a distance, a flat-topped mastaba does resemble a bench. Historians speculate that the Egyptians may have borrowed architectural ideas from Mesopotamia, since at the time they were both building similar structures.

Mastaba Art History Definition
1 years ago
Hatshepsut's Temple is located on the west bank of the Nile, opposite of Luxor. Hatshepsut was a female pharaoh, the 5th of the 18th dynasty. She was one of the most popular Egyptian rulers who ruled from 1503 to 1482 BC, and she was the first woman to above the title of the pharaoh.

Hatshepsut's Temple
1 years ago
Egyptian hairstyles varied from period to period. During the Old Kingdom, the hairstyles were generally short. Some shave their heads and wore a wig to go to social events or protection against the sun during the New Kingdom

Ancient Egyptian Hairstyles
1 years ago
Throughout history, the sword plays an important role in the loss or loss of combat range. This weapon was introduced at the beginning of the New Kingdom in Egypt. Egyptian swords were inferior to other swords invented in other places.

Ancient Egyptian Swords
1 years ago
Ancient Egyptian mummies fascinated the world for centuries, especially after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. The world's fascination with mummies started the day Howard Carter unearthed the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Ancient Egyptian Mummies
2 years ago
He was married to the third daughter of Akhenaton her name was Ankh-es-en-pa-itn which means (she who lives for the Aten). They married for reasons of state (to acquire the right to ascend the throne) or because they loved each other as the love and affection was displayed in some scenes on the artifacts found in the tomb.

king Tut wife Ankhesenamun