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333Friends 175Fans
male Second life
HAPPY 12/13/14!
Makes you just want to clap and sing along! It's The Hard-Knock Life - Tyler Ward & Friends (Ann...
Things that make me rage. What are some of yours?
Cluttered desktops: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs27/i/2009/249/1/6/Cluttered_Desktop_space_by_calcipher.png
Lines when you're on a tight time table: http://i.gyazo.com/2004bf8de93a345e41d3e05b08cfdb91.png
LOLOL This is making me laugh way too much "MORE WALKING (AND TALKING) DEAD: PART 2" - A Bad Li...
Anyone got PS3, PS4, or PS Vita? Need for Speed, Mirror's Edge, and Plants vs. Zombies are free to download this weekend to celebrate Playstation's 20th anniversary!
Have TB Soiree Cheeseplatter, looking for Lemonade. Have Mutresse Beat Bringer and Mr. Selfie, Looking for Kim Wannabe. Have Consignment motorcycle, looking for Garage. Anyone wanna trade? IM me: CalebBryant
The funny thing about CAH is that... I really wouldn't put it past them to box actual poop in a box. http://i.gyazo.com/c6792392a35459669679a5733de16b7d.png