241Friends 175Fans
female Newcastle upon Tyne, Great Britain (UK)

Amazon shares
10 years ago 1
Don't forget to follow TREMPE Mode on Plurk!
Amazon says
10 years ago
I'm looking for some shopping events other than the usual suspects.. not because I don't love them... I just need more goodies!!
Amazon says
10 years ago
on another note I've finally watched under the dome for the first time ever & wow
Amazon says
10 years ago
looking for something fun to do in SL this afternoon (thinking)
Amazon says
10 years ago
Do you want to be discovered? Show us your passion for Fashion, and your unique flavour for style.Why wait? Strut your stuff now!
Loovus Dzevavor Model Search 2014 - TREMPE
Amazon says
10 years ago
totally behind everyone, but I've just finished season one of the following and... WOW
Amazon says
10 years ago
I <3 foxes (music) not the animal :-D
Amazon says
10 years ago 2
I'm back to Plurk! Good Morning Friends <3
Amazon says
10 years ago
Join us on front row at NOON SLT for ZIBSKA at AVENUE A/W Fashion Week!
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