Alex ❤
297Friends 401Fans
female Second life
Owner and Designer of Alexohol Fashions, Taste of SL Shopping Group, Photographer sometimes, Pose, Shoe, Clothes, Hair & Furniture Hoarder, and sexy hot Dancer ;-) Trying to love life
Alex ❤
9 years ago 16
Can someone explain to me the Bob thing? and the bob-drama? I've been getting ready for vacation and totally not reading anything. I is confused!!
Alex ❤
9 years ago 5
ok I'm blanking...does c88 open at midnight? or am I going to have to be sad until I get home from vacation? lol
Alex ❤
9 years ago 7
anyone have exile gacha hairs london to la or rain or shine in browns or natural fusion 2?-or-know of any good yard sales? I'm on a yard sale kick now haha
Alex ❤
9 years ago
hiii guys :-) So much to do today (annoyed)
Alex ❤
9 years ago 5
Good yard sales? I want one of the old Exile hairs and the only ones i can find are like 600 (annoyed)
Alex ❤
9 years ago
Also....anyone have the little bones hair 1 in brunette that wants to trade for the same in blonde?
Alex ❤
9 years ago 1
hiii guys! how is everyone?!
Alex ❤
9 years ago
I'm so busy in RL....excited to be going on vacation but man....I'm just swamped (annoyed)
Alex ❤
9 years ago 1
Alex ❤
9 years ago 2
good morning!