173Friends 169Fans
female FAiRViEW, Philippines
- ETC. :-)

♥AiCKEE♥ is
13 years ago
packing Mikkella`s stuff. We`re going home tomorrow. Can`t wait to see Dad. :-))
♥AiCKEE♥ says
13 years ago
..sana after ko magbabath ee may magawa/makausap na `ko sa FB, kanina pa `ko bored na bored. X-(
♥AiCKEE♥ will
13 years ago
take a nap. (:
♥AiCKEE♥ is
13 years ago
not feeling good. I have cough and colds. :-&
13 years ago
The greatest pain in life is to be ignored, to lose the person you love and that someone who does not care at all.
13 years ago
Just because you`ve been together for awhile doesn`t mean they`ve picked up the ability to read minds, say what you want! (annoyed)
♥AiCKEE♥ hates
13 years ago
this day. BV sobra ah. X-(
♥AiCKEE♥ has
13 years ago
no sleep. :-& Taas baba fever ni Venice kagabi. :-(
♥AiCKEE♥ hopes
13 years ago
that Venice will feel better tomorrow. Haii.. I`m so stressed out. Almost an hour bago ko siya na-convince itake yung medicines niya. :-(
♥AiCKEE♥ says
13 years ago
not so good morning.. Venice is still sick. :-(