callie cline
7 months ago
I hope everyone has time today to notice what is GOOD and KIND and LOVING, because it's all still out there... even though at times it seems like it's not. I notice I can choose where to put my focus and it's NOT easy on a lot of days/moments/seconds... LOL..
latest #10
I love you!
7 months ago
Oh my goodness, I feel like I was meant to read this right now, because I burst into tears but the good kind!
callie cline
7 months ago
DawnTokyoska: oh i am so happy! I would not normally write this... and yet felt i was nudged to somehow... and i thought "well if it helps one person, then that's who it's for!" sending you HUGE hugs!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo i am working diligently every day on this! and it's changed the quality of my life SO much it's worth practicing every day!
callie cline
7 months ago
SanuraSnowpaw: i love you tooooooo xoxoxoxo
7 months ago
caLLiecLine: HUGE hugs to you too ♥ It has been rough here lately and I'm battling my way through some things, which sometimes feels like an uphill battle. But I know that there are worthwhile things out there if we open our hearts to find them :-)
callie cline
7 months ago
DawnTokyoska: yes!! it's so so true! we can find what we look for! it's HARD to remember that when I feel "blah" or fearful or am caught in the web of my thoughts which appear to be real! LOL... and then... to sit, breathe in slowly and feel my heart beat on it's own??? and just look around...
7 months ago
caLLiecLine: I'm impressed that we (all humans) can learn to change our mindset and find the positive, even if it's finding a needle in a nasty haystack sometimes. Thanks to anxiety I seem to spend half my waking moments doing breathing exercises, lol, like cmon body let's be kind!
callie cline
7 months ago
DawnTokyoska: yes... and i notice is always starts with ME... lol... so much easier to say "i wish others would...." lol. ty for sharing it inspired me!
7 months ago
caLLiecLine: ♥ We have all been through so much the past few years, and it's been scary and frustrating so we deserve to find positive things to focus on from time to time :-)
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