1 years ago
My mom is buying into the 'if they prosecute, then it will make him more popular - or was - I pointed out that little was done in post WWI Germany to this guy who tried to overthrow the government there in the 1920s. And look what happened.
1 years ago
Or, to quote a You-tube personality - Justice Matters and precedent says that no one in this country is above the law. Nice to see it actually being put into practice.
1 years ago
Yeah, I actually think it's going to make him LESS desirable to at least some of his current fans actually. It's not just that he looks bad, he's just too damn "messy" to be reliable as a candidate or even a political figure of any kind.
1 years ago
1 years ago
If they do not prosecute him, then everything he did is the "new normal" for the GOP and they will try even worse in the future.
1 years ago
Exactly. That's how we got to this point as it is.