#1981北愛絕食抗爭 「我們不承認犯罪,除非你說愛自己的人民與國家是個罪。英格蘭人會讓德國人佔領他們的國家嗎?還是法國人會讓荷蘭人佔領他們的國家嗎?(就像英格蘭人佔領了我們愛爾蘭一樣。)」Bobby SandsIrish Unity (@irish_unity) • Instagram photo同樣地,台獨是愛台灣的行為,但有多少先烈就因為這樣而在白色恐怖時代的戒嚴時期遭到國民黨國的迫害與殺害?

禮拜天(21)貝爾法斯特,武漢肺炎疫情以來頭一次有數千名民眾的緬懷遊行,一路前往墓園悼念當年的死者。聽'81飢餓抗爭存活者Pat Sheehan的演說好像幾次有鼻酸的聲音。QO'Our hunger strikers - Our heroes' National Hunger S...此外,今年也是愛爾蘭內戰爆發90週年。
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生活中找樂趣 says
1 years ago
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Seán Crowe on TwitterUp in Belfast for the 41st Anniversay of the 1981 H-Block Hungerstrike & stopped by the memorial to Oireachtas member Kieran Doherty TD
Pat Sheehan on TwitterOTD in 1981 I joined the H Block hunger strike,replacing Vol Kieran Doherty TD. 55days later I was 7 stone, almost blind & my liver shutting down. But the hunger strike ended and I survived. In an act of courage & heroism 10 others did not. We should never forget their sacrifice.
Aidrean Ó Gallchobhair 🇮🇪 on TwitterProud to have met and listened to Pat Sheehans story his role in the 1981 hunger strikes. 1981 turned the tide against England’s colonial foot hold in Ireland. We have a duty to struggle on and ensure we achieve Irish unity and the Republic.
Irish Unity (@irish_unity) • Instagram photoJennifer McCann leading National Hunger Strike Commemoration in Belfast today.
Irish Unity 🇮🇪🇵🇸 on Twitter"I read what Jennifer said in court. (On being sentenced, Jennifer McCann said: ‘I am a Republican prisoner of war and at the moment my comrade Bobby Sands is on hunger-strike to defend my rights as a political prisoner.’) I was touched and proud, she is my comrade."

- Bobby Sands MP
Gerry Adams on TwitterThis is a plastic plate I used in Long Kesh. I still eat from it every so often. Just to remind me of how lucky I am. Stay strong.

viaIrish Unity (@irish_unity) • Instagram photo
只要能夠團結一心,為自由而戰就能獲勝Irish Unity (@irish_unity) • Instagram reel
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