yes i'm double plurking and i know that apps just closed for like, everywhere, but I'm thinking about putting Tony in a game again and am woefully out of touch with the DW RP scene now - what's got people going rn?
latest #6
i was going to try for ximilia based on what i've been seeing but apparently this round was the round where everybody decided to do that and another one reserved before i even realized they were open, so oh well
the atlas one seemed kinda neat but it looks like the mod disappeared? maybe? idk. there was another one but i was looking at it on my work laptop which is all the way over in the other room so i suppose i will learn what that one was the next time i get up
2 years ago
I have Tex in Databurst
2 years ago
There've been a few scheduling hiccups there since there's only one main mod but the game is fun
oh neat i haven't heard about that one yet
i'll have to check it out
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