[ meme ] oldest DW journal; i made these three within two minutes of each other, apparently
https://images.plurk.com/6RsRVIk8l0vhN0t9u6gMCY.png personal / icon posting
https://images.plurk.com/1eW3hJ1d635fuBhBTxHx3T.png ten

https://images.plurk.com/2TWSc8M9iJt1VFiiUwCWbq.png and harryyyy
latest #9
remember when poly was voting whether or not to switch to a community-based format instead of a journal-based format
i remember being wildly opposed to a comm based system because clearly the easier way to go about RPing is to copy and paste 500 names into your add / drop friendslist every month after AC and apps
omg i remember having to do that lsdkjldf
adding a whole ass comm to your journal
also you played ten
i did! I played him for several years before tony effectively took over my entire life
also the newest journal bc i guess this is happening too
i'm about to break 20k comments made with tony's, which is wild
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