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2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo - Wikipedia
Aerial view of volcanic Lake Pinatubo and mountains,...Lake Pinatubo - Wikipedia
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If you were born before summer 1991, the answer is yes. Sorry if you already felt a bit long in the tooth, but it's true. Before 30 years ago, Lake Pinatubo was just a rumble in Mount Pinatubo's magma-filled belly.
It was a calamitous eruption on June 15, 1991 - one of the 20th century's most powerful - that blew off Pinatubo's original summit and formed a vast crater, which gradually filled with water as greenery reclaimed the summit.
Located about 50 miles (80 kilometres) from the Philippines' capital of Manila, the crater was for many years a niche destination for hardy hikers, requiring days of travel to reach. More recently, a 4x4 road and tended hiking trail were added, reducing the rugged journey to a day trip.
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