美國疫苗接種率持續上升 CDC:完全接種者可免戴口罩 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報看到被訪問的民眾一臉太好了完全不用戴口罩了......
「CDC主任瓦倫斯基(Rochelle Walensky)表示,CDC修訂公共健康指南是基於疫苗接種數量不斷上升,且目前有研究指出,已記錄的確診病例只有不到10%是發生在室外。瓦倫斯基指出,完成疫苗接種的美國人在外出及用餐時可以不用佩戴口罩,不過遇到大型集會時,仍建議把口罩戴起來。」
latest #7
lisa206398: 用餐的部分大概是原本有規定只要一沒在吃東西,聊天時就要戴起來?
The nearly 96 million Americans who are fully vaccinated can now forgo masks for many outdoor activities, including:

° Walking, running, hiking or biking outdoors alone or with members of your household.

º Attending a small outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated family and friends.
º Attending a small outdoor gathering with a mix of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

º Dining at an outdoor restaurant with friends from multiple households.
Disney World updates mask policy at dining locations這篇有提到原本的規定是只要沒在吃東西就要戴起口罩
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