生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
latest #45
生活中找樂趣 says
3 years ago
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生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
小劉醫師-劉宗瑀Lisa Liu粉絲團 - 哀哉香港 香港國安教育日 讓學童玩中模擬地鐵鎮壓示威者【小劉醫師-劉宗瑀Lisa Liu粉絲團】哀哉香港

黃捷 高雄市議員 - 「我們正在學習港警叔叔,如何正確在地鐵站裡暴力鎮壓香港人。」 香港這兩天發生兩件震...【黃捷】「我們正在學習港警叔叔,如何正確在地鐵站裡暴力鎮壓香港人。」


Your honour, I am grateful to your honour for allowing me to make this statement about my background and the personal conviction I have held in what I did.
I was called to the bar in 1988, but my early training was not in law. I had indulgent parent is who allowed me to spend 10 years in the university in Hong Kong and then in Boston to study philosophy. There I learned about rigorous intellectual honesty in the pursuit of truth and alleviation of the suffering of mankind.
我於 1988 年獲得大律師資格,但其實我並非法律出身。我接近放縱的父母容讓我於香港大學及波士頓花上十年修讀哲學。這段時間讓我學習到追求真相,以及減輕人類痛苦的路途上所需的知識誠信。
It was a sharp change for me to switch to law in 1981 when I went to Cambridge to read for a law degree. Those were the crucial years of Sino-British negotiations over the future of Hong Kong.
My generation were embroiled in finding a way to preserve Hong Kong's freedoms and original way of life after the change of sovereignty.
This was so important to all of us that, after I was called to the bar, I did not immediately start to practice, but took up an editorial post in the Ming Pao Daily News, because I accepted that it was critical to Hong Kong's future to have a strong free press, and at that stage I had some standing as a political commentator.
1981 年,我前往劍橋大學轉為修讀法律,當時為中英聯合聲明談判的關鍵時刻,對於我自己及香港的未來都是分水嶺。我們當代正努力尋求出路,希望找出移交主權後能夠保留香港原本的生活模式及自由的方法。但我當時並沒有直接從事法律工作,反而到《明報》當一名評論員,因為覺得自己作為是時事評論員有一定影響力,而香港一定要有新聞自由。
I resumed my legal career in 1990, but in 1995 I was persuaded to stand for election in the legal functional constituency.
Your honour, the legal profession, steeped in the common law tradition of civil liberty, did not believe in unequal elections, but they considered that so long as there was such a seat, they would not allow anyone to compromise the rule of law in their name.
So I was elected their representative to hold that office in trust for the people of Hong Kong, to use it to uphold the system under which their rights and freedoms are protected by law.
I was charged with a dual mission: to do my utmost to prevent legislation that would harm the rule of law, and to safeguard the institutions that underpin the rule of law. At the top of the list was judicial independence, and the administration of justice.
我於 1990 年重新擔任法律的工作,但於 1995 年被遊說參與立法會選舉的法律界功能組別。法官閣下,法律專業深植於普通法的公民自由傳統,並不相信不平等的選舉;但他們仍認為只要有這樣的席位,就不會容許任何人在法治之下干預法治。所以我被選為香港人的代表,利用公職捍衛保障香港人權利和自由的法律系統。因此我承擔著兩項任務赴職:竭盡所能,防止立法系統干預法治,及維護支持法治的機構及結構,而當中最重要的就是司法獨立及彰顯公義。
Those were the tasks to which I had voluntarily pledged to carry out.

It meant, first of all, working conscientiously in LegCo's committees.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
(略)發現太長了... 囧

生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago



法官閣下,雖然我的法律生涯較遲開始,但我是在獻身法律之下成長至老的,亦明白到 Sir Thomas More 之所以被譽為法律聖徒的原因;他不願意為皇帝屈曲法律,因此被判叛國。他的終言有多人印證過;我亦希望自己微略修改之下,能夠以此為格言:我是法律的僕人,但首先是人們的僕人;因為法律侍奉人民,而非人民侍奉法律。
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