3 years ago
the final straw that pushed me towards buying a real computer was the fact that i cant run steam on a chromebook so i can't play dangan ronpa lol
latest #6
Mark (CG)
3 years ago
if you're going with visual novels then you don't even need that beefy a computer, at least (LOL)
lyn says
3 years ago
true lol, i actually bought an older refurbished computer!
Mark (CG)
3 years ago
sounds great. What other games are you eyeing once you're done with dangan ronpa?
are you planning on going through the whole catalog of VNs on steam? (LOL)
lyn says
3 years ago
yea, i don't have anything in mind but i do wish i played more VNs!
Mark (CG)
3 years ago
I don't play VNs myself so I'm not much help, all I know is that there's an indie gem called Ladykiller in a Bind (LOL)
lyn says
3 years ago
oh cool! i'll check it out!
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