Princess Emily
4 years ago
INTRO PLURK TIME. It's been about a year, and I'm getting new peeps now from .
latest #46
Princess Emily
4 years ago
Hello everyone, my name is Emily
Princess Emily
4 years ago
(In the Voidtreckers discord server, I am Emily... 2!! because there's already an Emily)
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I am an Adult, one who must do Taxes
Princess Emily
4 years ago
and I live in the great state of Florida, home to old people and gators
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I work in university dining, and am currently laid off because no university
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I'm very gay, which will be obvious if you browse my plurk for longer than two seconds
Princess Emily
4 years ago
and also trans which isn't something I bring up QUITE as often unless it's to yell about TERFs, but it's a thing so I'll mention it here instead of you being surprised later
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I don't tend to stick to fandoms for long periods of time after they're over and done with, so I don't have a big list of "these are all of my fandoms!"
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I'll say that right now there's a lot of yelling about Arknights, because I'm currently into that, playing Ifrit from it, and the lore is super fascinating to put together
Princess Emily
4 years ago
oh and Bakarina is the other big one happening currently (also known as My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom)
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I haven't been in DWRP for a while now, this is my first foray back since forever
Princess Emily
4 years ago
but I mean hey laid off what do I have to lose
Princess Emily
4 years ago
Beyond that I play a lot of tabletop (a.... lot of tabletop)
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I'm playing tabletop right now in fact
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I also run one game (Disgaea Valor... 2!!) and am set to start a second (Soleil, an original concept based on Revue Starlight and Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Princess Emily
4 years ago
Last thing I can think of is I make a lot of OCs. Generally as a group project with some of my other friends. So you'll prolllly see that at some point or another.
Princess Emily
4 years ago
Princess Emily
4 years ago
I open the floor to questions.
4 years ago
Why are your games so awesome
Princess Emily
4 years ago
all gay people are naturally theater kids at heart, and tabletop is how we display this
4 years ago
who are you
Princess Emily
4 years ago
4 years ago
Princess Emily
4 years ago
Princess Emily
4 years ago
Just a casual bump for any new new peeps on my tl, hello new peeps
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
HI! I am Fenix and I currently only have Eva (an AU pokemons) in VT. but I do plan on bring in Ayumi from DC ... at... some point /stares at canon and weeps.
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
half the time I still call her Amy though. My intro to DC was the dub, and I have a livewatch plurk where I often CAPSLOCK. mostly at Shinichi.
Princess Emily
3 years ago
oh right I have picked up Ai from Conan since making this intro
Princess Emily
3 years ago
Princess Emily
3 years ago
then app Ayumi,,,,,,
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
I am also avoiding as many spoilers as possible. (I know enough about Ai to both adore her and want to strangle her. She's Great!!!!)
Princess Emily
3 years ago all you need to know about ai
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
she's very team mum though
Princess Emily
3 years ago
under ten thousand layers of sarcasm and cutting remarks there is a gooey center of "I'm literally prepared to get myself killed for anybody I've met at the drop of a hat"
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
Ai is a good.
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
but the main question is: will she help Ayumi drag Conan on treasure hunts?
Princess Emily
3 years ago
she always tags along
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
:3c is it bad I already know what Ayumi'd spend her points on? their Detective Boy Badges. and you know, mp3 player for Ai....
Princess Emily
3 years ago
ayumi could just arrive with a badge
Princess Emily
3 years ago
ai almost did,
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
She is, but. Conan and I don't have one :-(
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
HOW WILL SHE CONTACT THEM?? you know, if she finds treasure on the train (LOL)
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
or something Happens that needs Team Parents
Princess Emily
3 years ago
if Ayumi shows up, Ai and Conan can purchase their badges back prolly,
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
.. and then they get dragged around because she wants to meet all there friends she doesn't know
Rival Fenix
3 years ago
though I am debating taking her from like a canon point the Detectice boys where In Danger For Real if such a thing exists.... YES or NO only re: that Q
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