生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
英國幫派利用死老鼠偷渡毒品與手機等違禁品到Dorset監獄裡 - 衛報社會版頭條
Gangs using dead rats to smuggle drugs into Dorset p...他們會將死老鼠丟過監獄圍牆,再讓裡面的人去撿。裡面可能有手機、SIM卡、充電器、毒品、大麻等各種能夠塞得進去死老鼠的違禁品。之前是企圖利用鴿子與網球來運送。(照片裡我好像看到了新版3310。ww)

‘It’s not just you who does the jail sentence, it’s ...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qwv/KCx/mlSWmYYX2GmNE8VvFSVDKhaTMfl_mt.jpg
藥物濫用是如何地傷害著英國的海岸城鎮 Death by the sea: how drug abuse is scarring Britain...#獄政 #監獄霸凌 #運毒 #類大麻 #更生人 #社會觀感與偏見和歧視
latest #8
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Bullying and violence make Guys Marsh jail unsafe, ...Staff have all but lost control at prison in Dorset, where one wing has become a sanctuary for inmates seeking protection
HMP Bedford inmate caught rats in his cell during in...之前另外一個監獄則是在檢覈的時候看到囚犯在牢房裡抓老鼠。這樣的話,老鼠真的是很好的掩護,但大部分單位現在應該都會警戒了。
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