生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【英國】下議院又是脫歐投票的一天:國會支持延後脫歐 - 衛報頭版專刊
Another day of Brexit votes: what they mean and what...
Theresa May has finally got the Brexiters where she ...Brexit: how would an extension to article 50 work?議員怎麼投:How did your MP vote on extending article 50?歐盟方面:Tusk pushes EU27 leaders to be open to long Brexit d... 歐盟議會領袖Tusk建議EU27領袖應該延後英國脫歐時程,這樣可以讓英國「重新思考戰略」。
latest #18
MPs back Brexit delay as votes lay bare cabinet divi...稍早標題:MPs vote by majority of 210 to extend article 50 and delay Brexit
Brexit: More Labour resignations over second referen...稍早標題:MPs narrowly vote against taking control over Brexit with indicative voting – Politics live
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