生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
冷門脫歐團體 送出了成千上萬的臉書廣告 - 衛報政治版(當日點閱率第二名)
Obscure pro-Brexit group spends tens of thousands on...即便臉書已經導入了政治廣告透明度機制,英國政治廣告打最大的組織「英國的未來」已經花了88000英鎊在宣傳脫歐廣告上。

【複習】為了宣傳並尋求支持首相的脫歐協議 政府用了近10萬英鎊的公帑在臉書廣告上
Almost £100k of public money spent on Brexit deal Fa...納稅人的血汗錢啊...
#Brexit英國脫歐 #社群網站宣傳戰 #SNS爭議 #FB臉書爭議 #Facebook #網軍黨工五毛 #遊說團體
latest #20
【複習】為了宣傳並尋求支持首相的脫歐協議 政府用了近10萬英鎊的公帑在臉書廣告上
Almost £100k of public money spent on Brexit deal Fa...納稅人的血汗錢啊...
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
'Grassroots' Facebook Brexit ads secretly run by sta...Exclusive: ‘grassroots’ groups that spent up to £1m on targeted Facebook ads share administrator who works for lobbying firm.

Inquiry launched into data use from no-deal Brexit a...Investigation follows revelations of Lynton Crosby firm running ad campaign calling voters to lobby MPs.

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