生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
latest #37
'It's the fault of one idiot': passengers wait it ou...
Many travellers full of praise for airport staff as drone disruption continues.
Two arrested as Gatwick reopens following latest dro...Gatwick reopens after more drone disruptionTwo held after runway operations again halted for brief period after fresh drone activity.
Gatwick drone arrests: man and woman held over disru...Two arrests made on Friday night, police say, as bosses expect to run full schedule on Saturday
Gatwick: man and woman questioned over 'criminal use...Police continue to interview local man, 47, and woman, 54, as airport’s operations return to normal.
Gatwick drone chaos: arrested couple freed without c...Man and woman held over disruption at airport are no longer suspects, say police.
cat90459: 因為闖入跑道,然後一直上演你抓我跑的情況,政府用了一堆方法都無法在第一時間驅離,所以政府也被罵,但截至前幾樓的時候政府也沒有正面回應。
Gatwick: suspects exonerated as confusion deepens ov...Detective says it is possible there was no drone activity as pair from Crawley return home.
警方釋放了嫌犯,並說可能"從頭到尾就沒有無人機" WTF
The press ruins Christmas for former drone suspects ...#無良記者到哪都一樣
伯明罕發生電子飛航計畫系統故障 導致機場停擺兩小時
Birmingham airport reopens after flights suspended f...
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
「覺得被侵犯了!」被釋放的兩位無辜人士譴責媒體對兩人被逮捕一事的"噁心"報導 - 衛報頭版頭條
Pair held and released over Gatwick drone say they f...
Couple released without charge over Gatwick drone 'c...Libel lawyer says Paul Gait and Elaine Kirk could win £75,000 from newspapers who identified them.
Gatwick drone attack could have been inside job, say...Perpetrator was familiar with airport’s operations, according to BBC Panorama.

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