生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【報告】全球78名記者遭殺,326名遭囚禁:新聞記者所受到的威脅已在過去10年內達最高 - 衛報媒體版頭條(2018-12-05)
Threat to journalists at highest level in 10 years, ...
「因說出真相而遭殺害」9名在2018年被謀殺的記者 - 衛報媒體版
'Killed for speaking the truth': tributes to nine jo...光是2018年,全球各地就有超過30名記者被謀殺。經由同事與親戚以及自身的文字和照片的協助,衛報向他們致意。

Explore CPJ's database of attacks on the presshttps://imgs.plurk.com/Qv2/Yar/huuxxqGouZLtGzfzUIorSCS7dCf_mt.jpeg
#充滿敵意的話術對現實世界有影響 #記者安全 #新聞自由 #人權議題
latest #48
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Rama on Albanian and Italian media: “You’re untrustw...#阿爾巴尼亞 #垃圾桶 #打獵執照
Murder of Ján Kuciak - Wikipedia
#ALL FOR JAN #ALL FOR BRAIN #ALL FOR TRUTH ~ Ďateľ.s...#ALL FOR JAN #ALL FOR BRAIN #ALL FOR TRUTH ~ http://Ďateľ.sk - spravodajský portál
‘They can’t kill us all’: Slovakian journalists defi...Colleagues of Ján Kuciak, killed after investigating mafia links, vow to continue his work
Journalists are risking all to expose the Italian ma...Ján Kuciak was shot dead while investigating the mafia in Slovakia. We need to shield brave writers like him
#黑手黨 #義大利
Slovak journalist's murder was contract killing, say...Deaths of Ján Kuciak and fiancee last month sparked protests and led to PM’s resignation.
Mastermind behind Maltese journalist's murder is bei...Political interests blocking inquiry into Daphne Caruana Galizia killing, widower claims.
A bomb silenced Daphne Caruana Galizia. But her inve...The Daphne Project reveals the story so far behind the murder of a Maltese journalist.
Daphne Caruana Galizia: 'Malta has made me a scapego...Journalist details decades of harassment in recording made days before her murder.
'Journalism was her life': Daphne Caruana Galizia's ...Six months after the anti-corruption journalist was killed by a car bomb near her home in Malta, Caruana Galizia's husband and adult children speak for the first time about the day of her murder, her campaigning work and their fears for the country they say they no longer recognise.
EU politicians demand broader inquiry into Daphne Ca...Malta police chief urged to pursue those ‘with a motivation for silencing’ journalist.
Daphne Project: MEPs and authors crank up pressure o...Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood and Tom Watson among those calling for more to be done to investigate murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Azeri ruling families linked to secret investments v...President’s children among alleged beneficiaries of multimillion-pound global investments by networks of companies.

#亞塞拜然 #銀行
‘Golden passports’ threaten European security, warns...Exclusive: ‘citizenship for sale’ under increasing scrutiny from governments and security agencies.
The passport king who markets citizenship for cashGuardian investigation reveals how a small firm of wealth advisers built up a $3bn ‘golden passports’ industry and gained influence in the Caribbean.

#販賣公民身分 #護照之王 #加勒比海 #黃金護照產業
'Golden passports' firm was consulted by government ...Henley & Partners among those consulted before rules were relaxed as ministers pursued global investment.

#記者暗殺 #爆炸
'I'll continue writing the truth': the editor taking...Şener Leven has made his tiny Turkish Cypriot newspaper an enemy of Turkey’s president
‘The horror we live in’: journalist's murder shocks ...Killing of Viktoria Marinova reopens debate about safety although motive is unknown.
Global press freedom plunges to worst level this cen...Study finds freedom of expression at lowest point since 2000 with reporters facing violence, prosecution and financial rout in dozens of countries.
fkin' scarle
5 years ago
5 years ago
kyochii: 太多了。我也是感到很驚訝,這些新聞台灣幾乎看不到,甚至常看的外國媒體還是會有漏的...
afsj: 對... 貪汙政客、有錢有權、黑道等等...
universenut: 真的 = = 這些人反而是在台灣無憂無慮,整天靠邀東靠腰膝然後散布謠言、為中國喉舌、扯台灣後腿。
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