生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
UKIP"太反穆斯林" 英國爭議性政客法拉吉退黨 - 衛報政治版頭條(2018-12-04)
Nigel Farage quits Ukip over its anti-Muslim 'fixati...歷經25年,前黨魁法拉吉決定退黨,因為他不再認可現任黨魁所經營的UKIP,說現在都把焦點放在仇恨穆斯林上(稱伊斯蘭為"死亡邪教"、建議成立穆斯林專屬監獄)。他還放話說還有很大的空間給其他脫歐政黨。


Nigel Farage thinks Ukip is too bigoted for him? Wha...其中一個退黨的MEP歐盟議員說UKIP被往極右派帶過去。不是本來就是了?
#恐伊斯蘭 #種族歧視 #英國獨立黨內鬥 #義和團 #理念不合 #種族歧視
latest #19
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Tommy Robinson appointed as Ukip's 'grooming gangs a...Leader Gerard Batten gives role to anti-Islam activist, shifting party towards far-right.
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Counter-extremism chief attacks Tommy Robinson soldi...Far-right activist posts photo of himself surrounded by young men in uniform.

#英國陸軍 #英國軍隊 #年輕人
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
退伍軍人:這張照片讓人看出到底英國軍隊是有多麼極右派 - 衛報評論
The Tommy Robinson photos show how far right the Bri...There are good reasons why soldiers seemed so excited to see – and be seen with – Britain’s most notorious bigot.

#英國軍隊 #合照 #極右派分子
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Ukip returns to infighting after Tommy Robinson appo...Nigel Farage among those to express outrage and call for Gerard Batten to quit as leader.
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago

Third Ukip MEP quits over party's courtship of Tommy...Patrick O’Flynn says leader Gerard Batten is steering party to the far right ‘without any mandate’.
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Controversial Ukip leader Gerard Batten backed by na...Future of Nigel Farage’s position in party in doubt as rift over Tommy Robinson remains.
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Revealed: the hidden global network behind Tommy Rob...Guardian investigation shows how cash, legal support and millions of tweets underpin anti-Islam activist - but Facebook removes his ‘donate’ button

#背後的網路 #政治獻金 #金錢流 #法律支援 #推特 #臉書 #社群網站 #反伊斯蘭 #反穆斯林

via @CteaX55 - 【新民粹】1/4的歐洲選民票投民粹 - 衛報專題互動網頁/頭條話題在過去20年,民...
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