生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
聯合國峰會:「我們是能夠阻止氣候變遷的最後一個世代」 - 衛報環境版頭條(2018-12-03)
'We are last generation that can stop climate change...全球極度需要大幅刪減碳排放與提升對抗極端天氣的防護措施。
大衛艾登堡:文明崩壞即將發生 - 衛報環境版(當日點閱率第二名)
David Attenborough: collapse of civilisation is on t...他告訴全球領袖:命運掌握在你們手裡。
#溫室效應 #全球暖化 #天氣異常 #極端氣象 #COP24波蘭峰會
latest #22
大衛艾登堡:文明崩壞即將發生 - 衛報環境版(當日點閱率第二名)
David Attenborough: collapse of civilisation is on t...Naturalist tells leaders at UN climate summit that fate of world is in their hands
Progress and problems as UN climate change talks end...Nations agree on implementing 2015 Paris agreement, but put trickiest issues on back burner.

Guardian’s environment editor, Jonathan Watts, on what to take from the COP24 climate talks.
Is this the end for the Sicilian mafia?
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