生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【偏見在英國】十足的證據 顯示了英國的日常種族偏見 - 衛報頭版專刊
Revealed: the stark evidence of everyday racial bias...這些日常總族偏見都是當事人受到對方一個很無意識/下意識的偏見性回應(如:黑人應該就是店員)。根據衛報的民調數據顯示負面經驗會隨著族群而不同,並在白人與非白人(BAME;黑人、亞裔等少數族群)之間形成了落差。

調查結果這邊請:Bias in Britain: explore the poll results
這是一個很重要的種族偏見研究。英國人現在會注意了嗎?- 衛報評論
This is a vital study of racial bias. Now will Brita...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qv2/oMG/xUGohs9kTERTgdAhDNavsNrxeKu_mt.jpeg
#種族歧視 #穆斯林 #少數族群 #移民 #難民
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生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Bias in Britain: the truth about modern racismAn exclusive Guardian study has shown the extent of racial bias faced by minority ethnic citizens. The Guardian’s Afua Hirsch and Anushka Asthana discuss how growing up in a majority white society felt to them and whether attitudes have significantly changed since.
Police, military and courts lagging decades behind o...Police on track to be as diverse as 2016 population by 2052, and the army by 2030.
My patient made racist remarks about me. I decided t...I’ve encountered racism since I was a junior doctor. We rarely talk about it, but it hurts like hell and damages the NHS.
#醫勞 #醫生權益 #NHS
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