☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
my sister is in such deep need of an attitude adjustment it's unreal
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
today she asked both Mom and me over text whether one of us could drive her out to a town that's a good half hour from here to pick up a letter from her nominally-ex-boyfriend, who's currently in jail over drug and gun charges from last month, that he sent to his aunt's house instead of here
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
Mom had to leave for her weekly family dinner and I just suggested she have the aunt mail it here, and she immediately launches into one of her "fucking fine, I'll bike there and get it myself" things
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
so I told her to stop acting like a brat and Mom is taking her later this evening to get her letter and chew her out in private ¯\_(ツ)_/¯