生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
100多年來頭次有英國議員在國會使用愛爾蘭話 - 愛爾蘭日報
British MP uses Irish language in address at UK Hous...威爾斯議員Saville-Roberts要求北愛大臣在北愛設置愛爾蘭母語法案。
Welsh MP becomes first politician to address UK Hous...然後她對面的統派DUP議員不意外地在那邊嘻笑,被人提醒還戲稱自己在吃咖哩優格。此外,之前RHI醜聞調查團發現DUP黨魁的顧問竟告知高階公務員說RHI計畫拿到的錢能夠藉此"讓他們爽爽拿"
RHI: 'We could fill our boots,' what DUP a... Cash-for-ash fiasco 'incredibly destructive'
Whoever is leading the DUP has a lot of thinking to ...
#母語平權 #愛爾蘭語法案 #北愛爾蘭 #民族自決 #民族主義 #認同 #克爾特人 #統派嘴臉 #貪汙
latest #17
Declan Kearney on Twitter'Curried yoghurt' and 'Fill our boots'.
The more things change, the more they stay the same!
Chris Hazzard on TwitterSinn Féin want a political partner to make the devolved institutions work - it is increasingly clear the DUP have no interest in being that partner or building a genuinely shared future for all citizens
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