生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【美國】匹茲堡猶太寺遭掃射釀11死 嫌犯曾在另類右派網站Gab上說猶太人把"邪惡穆斯林"帶進美國
Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: suspect Robert Bowers... Pittsburgh shooting: suspect railed against Jews and...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qv0/PfT/C4JOMCUeC1CjdI3473yrG7NGjSn_mt.jpeg
#匹茲堡 #賓州 #種族歧視 #仇恨犯罪 #猶太人 #猶太教 #美國槍枝氾濫 #美國槍械議題 #掃射 #恐伊斯蘭症候群 #反目斯林 #右翼 #極右派 #另類右派 #錫克教
latest #12
掰噗~ says
5 years ago
Joher༒機械降神 says
5 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
wrier7620: 這種白癡好像也不少
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
'Stop the words of hate,' Pittsburgh rabbi urges US ...* Rabbi tells of pulling people away from scene
* Suspect Robert Bowers faces court on Monday
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
San Diego shooting suspect posted 'open letter' onli...Antisemitic screed says 19-year-old was motivated by New Zealand mosque massacres and Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.
#美國 #聖地牙哥 #掃射 #公開信 #猶太人 #種族歧視 #反閃情節 #紐西蘭基督城清真寺恐攻
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