生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
英國控訴克林姆宮下令"魯莽不顧後果、無差別"的電子攻擊 - 衛報科技版頭條
UK accuses Kremlin of ordering series of 'reckless' ...在雙面諜毒殺未遂案之後,外交部對俄國增加施壓,指俄羅斯軍情單位執行普丁下令的各種攻擊,包括2016年對美國民主黨全國委員會總部的攻擊。

俄國被控利用電子攻擊化學武器監察機構 - 衛報國際版頭條
Russia accused of cyber-attack on chemical weapons w...荷蘭因此將四名GRU官員驅逐出境。

How Russian spies bungled cyber-attack on weapons wa...其實我覺得太高調而不走傳統低調,有時可能就是一種嗆聲「你奈我何」、「你拿我沒辦法」。|
#化武 #OPCW #神經毒 #駭客 #海牙
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Bungling agents leave Putin exposed in the global sp...Botched missions in Salisbury and The Hague may prompt Russian leader to reassess his targeting of the west.
The Guardian view on Russia and hacking: time to tac...The disrupted cyber-attack on the chemical weapons watchdog and allegations of a sophisticated Chinese hardware hack have highlighted the dangers.
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