生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【減少免洗餐具】 英國大眾支持對塑膠廢棄物採強硬手段的人數破紀錄 - 衛報環境版頭條
UK public backs tough action on plastic waste in rec...這些強硬手段包括了咖啡杯的"拿鐵稅"、塑膠袋要付錢、回收的減稅獎勵等。然後這也可能將影響秋季的財政措施。
#減塑 #環境汙染 #大眾責任 #塑膠汙染 #塑膠垃圾 #一次性商品
latest #15
【袋走環境成本】英國政府將考慮全境各店家的塑膠購物袋價格從5p調漲為10p - 衛報環境版頭條(2018-8-24)
Carry the cost: plastic bag levy 'to rise to 10p – w...
Packaging producers to pay full recycling costs unde...政府政策將讓"汙染者付費",包括對難以回收的物件課以罰金。

#包裝商 #罰款 #全額 #環保政策 #汙染款
Tesco begins plastic-free trial for selection of fru...Only loose versions of 45 products will be sold in Extra stores in Watford and Swindon.
#Tesco特易購 #無塑政策試運轉
[轉推]【新芬黨】We need to move away from single use and short lifespan plastics and ensure that any plastic used is recycled or disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way #WorldEnvironmentDay
via @CteaX55 - 今天是605世界環境日(WED),正好今天也是星期三(Wed)。
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