生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
川普:軟脫歐將會殺了英國與美國貿易協議的機會 - 衛報政治版
Trump: soft Brexit will 'kill' UK's c...
批評了梅伊的脫歐計畫 川普引爆了外交手榴彈 - 衛報政治版
With criticism of May's Brexit, Trump detonates...川普說甫卸任的鮑里斯強森很有天分,是未來的首相,同時批評倫敦市長 - 衛報川普訪英特刊(實況更新串
Donald Trump hails Boris Johnson as future PM and at...
【政治素描】我是川普,我期待不要在英格蘭的英國碰到任何人 - 衛報評論
I, Donald Trump, look forward to not meeting anyone ...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuX/bhF/nWmxRDjXXwwSbgaW9yuDd1BgzOb_mt.jpeg
#英美關係 #Brexit英國脫歐
latest #39
川普油嘴滑舌與令人不快的個性 劇烈地考驗英國外交
Trump's oily and obnoxious personality sorely t...
川普在造成外交大破壞之後 離開了倫敦
Trump leaves London after wreaking diplomatic destru...
川普暗示說女王在與他的私下談話有提到她對脫歐的看法 ── 但是他不能說 - 衛報國際版<美國>頭條
Trump hints at the Queen's private views on Bre...
川普前去見普丁的路上 給英國留下一坨爛攤 - 衛報國際版<美國>頭條
Trump arrives to meet Putin, leaving the UK reeling ...
President’s extraordinary visit marked by flouted protocol and enthusiastic protest.
Tony Connelly on Twitter.@ShippersUnbound in the Sunday Times on Theresa May’s awakward dinner conversation with @realDonaldTrump...
May's Brexit deal sounds like a 'great deal for the ...US president’s intervention is likely to weaken May’s hand when she is seeking to get deal approved by parliament.
稍早標題與摘要:Trump says May's deal might prevent US-UK pact
President warns that agreement could jeopardise trade with US
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Yes, Donald Trump is talking perfect sense on May’s ...Negotiating trade terms is a long, painful process – and a deal with the US may never happen.
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