ad1759am 正在
6 years ago
人為何害怕輸, (輸者只能跟在人後) 做了許多事,就為了挽回並捍衛自己的尊嚴,(多元社會跟在人後並不見不好) 許多ㄉ事,珍惜兩個字,必須是自己先看為貴重的 (因時空背景不同而異),即使在不斷探險的旅程 (人生隨時隨地學習精進),也要有自己的底線 (更須堅守自我立場原則;君子固窮,小人窮斯爛矣) 人為何而活? 當然要往積極面想,所謂活著就有希望 !
6 years ago
午安 (wave)
6 years ago
wstg007: Democrative Politics Preserve is moving nowhere but staying as it is now, why not! But China wants more, to be a super big power as USA. Can American or Japanese accept that way of doing? No way, especially for Japan now is leading by Premier Abe who is the most right wing in power.